Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Catch my disease!

I think I may be entering a manic phase... I have slight bipolar tendencies and I've just been up all night dyeing and knitting -- when I tried to go to bed thoughts of future projects got in the way of sleep!

I have a palpable need to create, it's almost a physical sensation. I can't bear to think about the day when I can no longer do this sort of work...

Crazy lady ;-P


Anonymous said...

Hey Irene, send some of your energy my way please???

I can't seem to stay up long enough to knit and when I do - I get cranky at it too easy and forget what I am doing


Anonymous said...

ahh I can relate, but I have a 12pm deadline otherwise I am waay too tired the next day :( somenight I literally ahve to stick myself in bed fully wired :(

it's all part of being creative I think !

Irene said...

Ali you'll get your knitting mojo back when newborn days are behind you :)

K if I do that I just end up tossing and turning all night :P

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